Introducing Diana, a truly unique voice in the Empowerment space. She is the visionary founder & producer of the transformative E2: The Empowerment Ecosystem Event and founder of leading empowerment brand, Good Girl Mafia. With a calling to ignite empowerment in women with a 360° approach, she has crafted an extraordinary and fully immersive coaching experience where women change their lives. Diana is revolutionizing the landscape of empowerment through her singular and unique Empowerment Coaching.

Why? Because Diana intimately understands the challenges along the road to empowerment. Her personal transformative experience led her to her calling: to help women rediscover their empowerment and unleash it on the world. Drawing from her own empowerment journey, Diana now focuses on encouragement, empowerment, and entertainment for women who are on their empowerment journey. She is here to support you, too.

Diana accomplished her dream to work on national television, but still woke up unfulfilled and deeply unsatisfied with life - she knew she was made for more. Diana felt like a cliché; she looked like she had it all, but felt stuck and totally disempowered. It took the passing of her father to shake her to her core to finally pivot and make major life changes. Diana says that the night before her father passed away, they had a conversation that forever changed the trajectory of her life. She would never quite view life the same way again. After he passed Diana had to jump right back into work. She was internally grieving while having to play an upbeat persona on camera. It was a roller coaster - a daily climb to a peak, only to plummet downward into feelings of grief, defeat and devastation. There was no time for the grieving process. Both physically and emotionally exhausted, it began an internal awakening.

During this time, Diana was at a high school speaking about her television career when an inquisitive girl was asking questions throughout the presentation. She was fully engaged, leaning in on every word. There was something about her that spoke to Diana - she felt compelled in the moment to tell this young lady she was special. The comment seemed insignificant, however it would prove to change Diana’s life trajectory once again.

Diana made the difficult decision to leave her job at the tv-network. On her last day, she received a letter from the high school where she presented. Inside the envelope was a letter from the inquisitive young lady. It said that on the day of Diana’s presentation she had planned to attempt suicide, and that when Diana told her she was special it made her change her mind. She felt that if someone with Diana’s life experience saw something of value in her, that she had a life worth living. That sparked a fire in Diana: all women deserve to feel special and she wanted to bring encouragement to all women.

Diana had no choice but to take an assessment of what she truly valued as a person, and what was actually playing out in her life. By watching her father die, she grew the courage to take the next steps to begin to live life on her terms, based strictly on what she valued. She was willing to risk whatever came next to walk away from an unsatisfying identity and reclaim her power. In the span of one year, Diana buried her father, left her marriage and comfortable career behind and chose to move cross-country. Diana courageously pursued her freedom, found her own voice and grew confident enough to use it. That took her on a journey into her purpose, which gave her more confidence, a mission-based career, and the chance to start a new life - on her own terms.

She started teaching women how they can do the same. With every woman, Diana watched their personal empowerment grow and their confidence build to a place where they started living the life they know they should be. She made a commitment to dedicate the rest of her professional life to helping guide and coach other women toward personal empowerment on their own terms. This led to the creation of Good Girl Mafia, a leading empowerment company for women.

In 2022, Diana was struck by a Suburban while crossing the street. The laundry list of physical injuries was one thing. A Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) was quite another. At the insistence of her neurologist, Diana had to stop her empowerment work. For the first time in her adult life, she wasn’t working in front of nor behind the camera. She became strictly a content consumer. What she saw in the empowerment space shook her to her core - this packaged, branded, marketed and sold version of ‘female empowerment’ is not what she sees with her coaching clients or women, in general. It strengthened her resolve to help women lean into real empowerment: define it on your own terms and embrace creating the most empowered life for yourself. Out of hardship, Diana once again grew in her calling and purpose. This led to the creation of E2: The Empowerment Ecosystem Live Events and Membership.

The common thread throughout Diana’s purpose and mission is to approach empowerment from a 360° standpoint and take a holistic approach to make it a reality. The ultimate Empowerment experience is E6: Empowered, The 6 Week Coaching Container. The coaching framework was developed by Diana and used with every single client, yielding truly transformative results. Most impressive? The results are lasting.

“One thing I know for sure: It doesn’t matter how you envision your life, what your goals are or what has stood in your way in the past. Until you are fueled by your own empowerment, what you want will always remain just out of reach. I help women stop leaving life to chance and boldly make a choice - and it all starts with your empowerment. I've helped countless women confidently conceptualize their empowered life vision and boldly live it. So, what's your definition of real empowerment? What does an empowered life look like & feel like to you? You can make it a reality.”

~ Diana Perkovic

About Diana